Power Life Design by Slavica Squire

Create the life you want!

December 6 – 7, 2025, ZOOM

I believe that everyone’s life story can be improved. Most people do not achieve success that allows them to be as fulfilled and generous as they would like. That’s why I study, test, write, and teach people how to create a career and a life that they will adore. In doing so, I want to give people the opportunity to become happy and successful easily.

About Power Life Design

Many people want more from life and dream about personal and financial freedom, but everyday reality gets in their way, and they live overwhelmed, in stress and fear.

They are made for so much more than this and life goes by quickly.

Seeking to encourage and teach you how to save years of your life, based on the knowledge she has gained over the past 20 years and the experience of working with more than 5,000 clients, Slavica Squire has created the unique Power Life Design training.

In this training you will receive concrete steps, tools and support, learn how it is possible to turn your life around faster and easier, create clear goals and a workable action plan to improve your life, step by step, for the whole of 2021.

Power Life Design has already helped many people to turn what they once dreamed of into achievable goals. That is why the takeaways of many participants is: “I wish I knew for this before…” . That is also why they decide to attend it every year; to ensure that they will work for their success for two whole days and discover new ways to achieve what they have imagined for themselves.

Do not lose another year of your precious life and delay your happiness for a tomorrow that never comes.

Take your life into your own hands, and apply the scientific methodology, proven in practice, to help you do that. Support yourself in the steps that are necessary to have life you deserve and want.

Power Life Design by Slavica Squire will teach you how to:

Discover and harness your hidden potential

Find out what you really want from life

Find the motivation and inspiration to move toward your goals

Become aware of unhelpful patterns that are a barrier to success

Get a clear focus

Create an action plan that will make your desires a reality

This is an ideal opportunity for you to set priorities, set goals and confidently move into the next year more prepared than ever before.

About author

I believe that everyone’s life story can be improved. Most people do not achieve the success that allows them to be as fulfilled and generous as they would like. That’s why I study, test, write, and teach people how to create a career and a life they will adore. In doing so, I want to give people the opportunity to become happy and successful easily.

Twenty years ago, while living in Germany, I was introduced to NLP, the methodology of success; I was fascinated by this. The first thing I wanted to do was to share that knowledge and offer other people a chance to learn and apply it in their lives.

I founded the first NLP Institute in Serbia in 2006 and in 2008 the first Coaching Academy.

Representatives of the ANLP International Association, who are also organizers of the World NLP Conference in London, were guests of our NLP Institute. They were so impressed with the way it works, the quality of the education we offer, the dedication of our team, the atmosphere in our classroom, and the attitude of our extraordinary students, that they recognized our education system and way of work as one of the best business models known to them worldwide, based on NLP.

That is why they invited us to be their ambassadors, to give a lecture at the conference in London in 2019 and to continue to teach and mentor their members from all over the world who come to Belgrade to learn from us.

What makes my team and I special is that in all our courses, we teach the skills that serve people – not only to become more successful in their careers and make their businesses more profitable, but first and foremost for them to flourish as human beings. We change their perspective and encourage them to think differently about life. We support them to develop personally and give them tools and knowledge to support others on their journey. Both their personal stories and the way they have improved their lives as a result of learning with us, for me, are the best indicators that we are doing the right thing.

We want to create an environment where the knowledge we have is commonplace, where people see their higher education as the beginning rather than the end of their learning. Knowing this, I am constantly learning and traveling to courses around the world to learn, apply and bring the latest knowledge and methods into our courses.

I graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and then completed the Master of Business Studies in Human Resources Management. I have invested over 2,000 hours of attendance and over €135,000 in personal education

I participated in top programs worldwide – it all started from Germany, then Switzerland, Austria, Brazil, through Italy, Norway, America, Bali, the Netherlands…

Some of my highlights include:
In January and June 2017, I successfully completed ten days of training with the famous Tony Robbins (Business Mastery 1, West Palm Beach, USA and Business Mastery 2 Amsterdam, Netherlands);
In August 2018, I completed Tony Robbins’ Leadership Academy training in San Diego, USA;
I had the opportunity to learn from top industry experts, Stephen Gilligan and Robert Dilts, whom I also assisted with for 15 days at the full Certification Generative Coaching program in Brazil.
After a series of specializations around the world with the most recognized NLP professionals and at the best NLP and Coaching Institutes, I became certified as an International NLP Master Trainer.
I’m licensed as a Coaching Educator and Vice President of the European Coaching Association – ECA.

For years I have collaborated with renowned global authorities in the field of coaching and NLP and taught at other NLP and Coaching institutes around the world. I was also recognized by the global NLP community as the “NLP Leader in Southeastern Europe”, and I am a regular member of an exclusive group of the most influential NLP experts who gather at the NLP Leadership Summit.

I am the author of many different programs – NLP certification education programs, accredited Professional Coaching and Business Coaching programs, as well as Power Life Design, Power Relationship Design, Sales, Fascinating Presentation, as well as the personalized communication in house trainings for businesses. In all my work, I not only apply everything I have learned in all these years from fantastic teachers around the world, but also apply my own personal experience.

From personal experience and the experience of thousands of my clients, I know that people are terrified of changes. That is why it is important that they have someone to show them the way and a plan, because then it will be easier for them to achieve success and live a fulfilling life, no matter what.

Our mission is to be there for people and show them how to improve their skills according to this extraordinary tried and tested recipe, so that they can build a fulfilling life that allows them to be happy and grateful. We are constantly encouraging them to continue learning and, above all, to remain ethical, this will help them to continue to thrive. We hope that this will help the whole world to become an increasingly wonderful place to live, because we will create a ripple effect whereby people will become more and more successful, supportive, fulfilled and generous.

For your highest good from my heart,
Slavica Squire

Upcoming Dates

December, 7 – 8, 2024




Send Us a Message

If you want to thrive in your career, business, life, and become even more successful and satisfied in all fields of your life, get in touch with Slavica and her team.

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